This is the new Olympus E-PL7!
Our Japanese friends from Digicameinfo managed to get this first image of the soon to be unveiled Olympus E-Pl7. And as it sounds this is the only new PEN Olympus will launch this year. And maybe the E-Pl line will be the only one staying alive with Olympus kicking out the "regular" E-P line and the mini E-PM series.
The E-Pl7 has the exact same sensor and features as the new E-M10 OMD camera but misses the EVF and will be a tiny bit cheaper than the latter.
Announcement is expected to be on August 30!
from Mirrorless Rumors
The firmware Photokina surprise: Olympus E-M1 with 4K recording and a "surprising" GH4 firmware update.
One of the major news at Photokina will not be a new camera or some kind of exciting new lens. It will be...firmware upgrades!
Trusted sources reported the Olympus E-M1 will get a massive firmware update which will also enable full 4K video recording! And they also said the Panasonic GH4 will get a many new features and improvements.
Both firmware will be released within the next couple of weeks!
from Mirrorless Rumors
オールドレンズ・ライフ Vol.4 詳細告知です!: metalmickey's blog
オールドレンズ・ライフ Vol.4の発売まで、あと10日となりました。シリーズ4冊目にして、ようやく、やっと、ついに、大口径オールドレンズ特集です。いやあ、ここにたどり着くまで長かったなあ(笑)。企画構想自体はVol.1の頃からあったんですが、どうせならフルサイズで作例を見せたいし、主要な大口径レンズをドーンとまとめて紹介したい、というわけで、持ち越しに次ぐ持ち越しでVol.4でようやく実現するに至りました。ノクティルックス、ノクトニッコール、キヤノン50mmF0.95など、めぼしい大口径レンズがそろい踏みしています。オイソレと買えるレンズではありませんが、目の保養というか目に毒というか、見て… from オールドレンズ・フォトコンテスト's Facebook Wall
Debunking a rumor: There is no medium format Canon camera coming now...
A recently published Canon teaser for a new FF DSLR. Still no decent mirrorless to come :(
Many sites reported about a possible Canon medium format camera. But unlike those I got notice that there is no such medium format camera coming from Canon.
I know for certain that Fuji-Nikon and Sony are considering to make such a camera but we will see such cameras in stores as early as 2015 only.
But Canon no, they are focusing on FF for the next couple of years. But I don't know if they will make a FF mirrorless any time soon...
from Mirrorless Rumors