

And here they are the "registered" Panasonic G7 and GX8 cameras!

Since weeks we know the Panasonic G7 will come around May 20 and the GX8 somewhat later (August-September). And now we got proof the rumors are correct. Wifi Alliance registered the two camera names along a new FZ300 fixed lens super zoom cam.

The G7 should have the GX7 sensor and 4K recording. The GX8 a completely new kind of sensor (sounds good!).

via Digicameinfo.

from Mirrorless Rumors


from レンズ沼探検隊 M42レンズ沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ


Samsung could add on sensor IBIS on future cameras!

The Sony sensor stabilization graph

According to one of our Samsung sources there could be soon IBIS on NX cameras

I just got the news that samsung is working on a in body stabilizer for future nx products. I don't know when it's ready, but it won't be implemented on a flagship camera, initially (but rather on a lower end model)!

This certainly makes a lot of sensor. ON sensor stabilization from Olympus and Sony proved to be quite effective. It's a must have feature that Samsung needs to remain attractive.

from Mirrorless Rumors