
Two new 4K mirrorless cameras to come soon: Panasonic GX8 and Fuji X-PRO2?

4K is one of the new Big words camera manufacturers cannot ignore. So it will not surprise anyone here that both next Panasonic and Fuji cameras will have 4K video recording:

1) The Panasonic GX7 successor (GX8?) will be announced in May and certainly feature 4K recording

2) The Fuji X-PRO 2 scheduled for a late 2015 release should become Fuji's first camera with 4K recording (says Fujirumors). It will be interesting to see how Fuji will fix the X-trans weakness on the video front...

P.S.: Also Sony should announce a new E-mount 4K camera soon...

from Mirrorless Rumors


Leica will soon announce the "Leica Q Type 116".

The Taiwan agency NCC registered a new and yet unanounced Leica Q Type 116 camera. There is yet no other info about the specs of the camera.

via Digicameinfo.

from Mirrorless Rumors




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【情報解禁】赤城耕一・著 玄光社MOOK「ズームレンズは捨てなさい!〜3万円単焦点レンズで世界を変える〜」3月18日発売。3万円以下で買える銘レンズ51本を赤城氏が怒涛の勢いで紹介。赤城節が炸裂!現在絶賛、編集クライマックス中! from オールドレンズ・フォトコンテスト's Facebook Wall

Fuji admits it will run the Megapixel race too withe the next generatin X-trans sensor.

It was and is inevitable. You have to run the Megapixel race too if you want to survive in the digital camera business. Fuji Manager Toshihisa Iida confirmed in a Dpreview Interview that they will launch a higher MP sensor camera. The good news is that all current X lenses can resolve future high resolution sensors.

from Mirrorless Rumors
