Stay tuned. As soon as the info gets official I will liveblog all first tests, image samples and more...
from Mirrorless Rumors2015年6月10日水曜日
We saw this coming: "Mirrorless" is the official name for mirrorless system cameras.
Until now there was no "standard" to define mirrorless system cameras. We had plenty of different definitions like:
- Digital Interchangeable Lens System Cameras (DILSC),
- Electronic Viewfinder with Interchangeable Lens (EVIL).
- Mirrorless System Cameras (MSC),
- Compact System Cameras (CSC),
- Digital Single Lens Mirrorless (DSLM).
But at last the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) decision recognized “Mirrorless” as the official term for interchangeable lens cameras that do not include a mirror mechanism!
Amazing it took seven years to sort this out :)
from Mirrorless Rumors2015年6月8日月曜日
Firmware rumors: A6000, E-M1, X-E2 and X-T1
SonyAlphaForum reports the A6000 1.21 firmware is coming soon (with AF bug fix).
Fujirumors reports:
X-T1 firmware 4.0 is coming on June 22
X-E2 firmware is coming in six months from now.
And Olympus will launch the E-M1 firmware update on June 16.